It's a common question asked by pet owners everywhere. Peanut butter is a go-to snack for many people, but is peanut butter good for dogs with Diarrhea?

Is it good for dogs at all? Click here for an article specifically about that question.

Let’s look at what the experts say about using peanut butter for dogs with diarrhea.

Is Peanut Butter Good For Dogs With Diarrhea?

Peanut butter is an ideal source of nutrition for canine companions struggling with diarrhea, as it can help restore energy levels. However, your dog's health should always be monitored by a trusted vet before introducing any new food into their diet!

Peanut butter contains fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and fiber which can help regulate and normalize the gastrointestinal function of your dog. The fiber in peanut butter helps reduce watery stools and reduce the frequency of them from happening.

Additionally, it provides a source of energy while the body is recovering from an upset stomach or intestinal issues.

What Causes Diarrhea in Dogs?

Many things can cause your pup to experience diarrhea, including bacterial or viral infections, parasites, dietary changes, or food allergies. Depending on the underlying cause, your pup's bout with diarrhea could last anywhere from a few days to several weeks.

If your pup has been dealing with ongoing bouts of diarrhea for over a few weeks, it should be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

The Pros of Feeding Peanut Butter to Dogs With Diarrhea

Feeding your pup peanut butter when they have diarrhea is an age-old remedy that may have some real benefits. If you’re considering this approach, here are a few pros to consider before taking the plunge.

Low in Fat Content

Peanut butter is a great source of protein and essential vitamins but is also low in fat. This means it won’t upset your pup’s stomach or cause more digestive issues.

Feeding peanut butter to dogs with diarrhea can help firm up their stool and soothe their digestive system as the fats bind everything together. Just make sure to choose a brand that doesn’t contain xylitol, as this can be toxic to animals!

Packed with Nutrients

Not only is peanut butter low in fat content, but it’s also packed with other essential nutrients like vitamins B and E, magnesium, potassium, and healthy fats. These will help give your pup the boost they need during the recovery process without worrying about overfeeding them or stressing out their digestive system further.

Highly Palatable

One of the biggest pros of feeding peanut butter to dogs with diarrhea is that it’s highly palatable. Most dogs love the taste of peanut butter, making it easier to eat even when they don’t feel well.

It also helps encourage them to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, which is important for helping them recover from dehydration caused by diarrhea.

Additionally, if your pup has other health conditions such as diabetes or kidney disease, eating foods like peanut butter can help keep their blood sugar levels stable while providing much-needed nutrition during recovery.

The Cons of Feeding Peanut Butter to Dogs With Diarrhea

It's important to remember that not all types of peanuts are suitable for our canine friends. For example, salted or sugary varieties should be avoided as they can cause dehydration and other health problems.

In addition, some studies suggest that too much fat can aggravate an existing digestive issue such as diarrhea. Therefore, if you decide to use peanut butter as a treat for your pup with an upset stomach, make sure you give them only small amounts at a time so that their body can handle the increase in fat intake without any negative side effects.

What Other Foods Stop Diarrhea In Dogs?

If your furry friend suffers from an upset stomach and has diarrhea, you are probably wondering what foods you can give them to help ease their uncomfortable symptoms. Luckily, there are several options available that can help soothe your pup’s tummy troubles. Let’s look at some of the best foods to stop diarrhea in dogs.


Bananas are a great source of pectin, a soluble fiber that helps absorb excess water and solidify stool. Because bananas are also easily digestible, so they make a great snack for dogs with sensitive stomachs or diarrhea. You can either mash up the banana or feed it to your pup whole — remove the peel first!


White rice is an excellent option for easing digestive issues in dogs because it is low in fiber and easy on the stomach. Rice also contains carbohydrates that help provide your pup energy as they recover from their illness. Try feeding your dog cooked white rice with their regular food for the best results.

Pumpkin Puree

Pumpkin puree is packed with dietary fiber, which helps firm up loose stools and reduce inflammation in the intestine. It's also high in vitamin A, which supports immune system health and aids digestion. To treat your pup’s diarrhea, add one teaspoon of pumpkin puree to their food once per day until their symptoms subside.

How Long Does Dog Diarrhea Last?

Dog diarrhea is an unpleasant and often unanticipated occurrence. Thankfully, it's not usually serious and typically lasts only a few days. However, depending on the cause of the episode, it may take several weeks for your dog to recover fully.

If your pup's bout of diarrhea persists for more than a couple of days or if there are other changes in behavior or appetite, it would be wise to consult with your veterinarian as it could be symptomatic of a greater issue. Luckily, most bouts come and go quickly and easily with minimal medical attention.

Bottom Line On Your Pup's Bottom:

So is peanut butter good for dogs with Diarrhea? Feeding peanut butter to dogs with diarrhea may offer some benefits due to its good fat and protein content.

However, it’s important to remember that not all peanuts are created equal—avoid salted or sugary varieties, as these can cause dehydration and other health issues. Click this link to see our top picks to help calm your pup's tummy.

It’s also important not to overdo the amount you feed, as too much fat can further exacerbate an existing digestive issue such as diarrhea. If you’re considering giving your pup some peanut butter while dealing with an upset stomach, monitor their eating habits closely and talk with your veterinarian first just to be safe!

And as always, get out there and Love Life.  At least once your pooch starts feeling better.