Last Update: 3.20.2023

Hello, amazing readers!

At, pet parents can find honest and helpful advice that they can trust! We take pride in producing content driven by research-backed findings.

As real pet lovers ourselves, we only recommend products that meet our own personal standards--and with no strings attached! That's right—we don't accept any free samples or sponsored items (except when clearly labeled).

But if an unsolicited product does happen to come our way? Don't worry; all reviews of those will be noted accordingly so you know exactly what went into each recommendation post.

At times, when a reader clicks our content and purchases one of the products we've featured, it can result in us earning a bit from an affiliate program.

We make sure to label any article that has such links; you may find these shopping connections on Chewy or Walmart – but also through Amazon Services LLC Associates Program where qualifying buys could lead to some commission for us!

Thank you for being a part of our community and happy shopping!

And as always, get out there and Love Life!